Wednesday, July 8, 2009

There Exists A Melody That Just Might Change Your Mind.

Why would you invite someone somewhere and not show up? I got stood up at a fair? Oh my god. What's wrong with guys now a days?! Alex is right. Guys do just want sex. Unfortunately, guys opinions do matter. It just sucks.
Worst part about it was that the guy is Alex's "best friend." Alex un-claimed him though after he ditched both of us to go see his ex Brittany, who cheated on him! I'm just way over stupid guys thinking with their dicks and not thinking I'm gonna be mad for them lying. Like, for real? What the fuck.
In other news. My friend found out that Tony Oller is her long lost brother! Half brother. She hasn't met him yet, but her brother, Justin, did. That's so cool. I'm glad she found him.

Whatever Happens, Happens.

1 comment:

  1. I hate people who do that in general. Ditch friends who they say they are going to see for exes that are complete assholes to them. It drives me crazy.
