Tuesday, July 14, 2009

I'm Only Me When I'm With You.

When life gives me lemons... I throw them away. I'm no good at making lemonade. But I am good at listening. I think that's why guys like to talk to me. Girls like to bitch. Guys like to vent. Yes, they're different.
Lately, people have... Connected... More. Like people actually care more often then they used to... I don't know why. People can be so random, but so... Fascinating. I just like to observe people. That may sound a whole lot creepier than it really is. I'm just a curious person.
I hate that I'm so misunderstood. I hate that friends drift apart. I hate that people can be so accusatory. I hate that I've never stolen any one's boyfriends, yet girls still have to tell their boyfriends they don't want them talking to me. I hate that everything is so overrated and stupid. And I hate that everyone just wants to fit in or wants to find love. I'm young. I'm a teenage girl. I can survive a little heartbreak. It's my life and I'll do what I please with it.

We're Like A Two Piece Puzzle. Complex, But So Simple.


  1. hey girlie, guess who finally got a blogger
    and I love reading your blogs. I feel like I'm not quite such a freak of nature when I read them, because we're pretty similar
