Wednesday, September 16, 2009

You're Hiding Something Cause It's Burning In Your Eyes.

It's all my fault. I know. It's always my fault right? Chase, Matt, Casey, now Aaron. Everyone always blames me. I give up. I lose! Game over. I don't want to hurt any more people. It's literally slowly and painfully killing me. And you know what? I'm still gonna wear that fake smile everyday at school and pretend I'm alright when my world is falling from the sky. It's all downhill from here now. I'm in a 900 foot hole with no shovel and it's raining.
I wrote some nice poems about people at school today... I though they would like to read them because they're some of the people closest to my hearts. There's one for Aaron, Hayden, Daniel S., Danny D., Kyle, Nicole, Cassie, Morgan, Alex, and, believe it or not, Brittany Moore.
I'm done trying. I'm done fighting to keep my friends because I just want to be happy. I want my friends to be people I can count on. I was right though. Hayden does put things simply and honestly. Aaron is a sweet guy. Kyle can make me laugh. And Alex's views disappoint me. What more do you want from me? I want to stay friends with you guys, but if you're just going to take sides then forget it because I'll always lose. I now know that as a fact not just a statement.

I Bet You've Fallen Deeper In The Dark...

1 comment:

  1. I love you girl, and I'm glad you're in my world.
    Look, I can write couplets!
    And i'd like to read the poem about me if you want to share
